Verify your Ebay with our secure virtual credit card. Our card will verify any billing address for you. We will send you the following details as delivery.
Frequently asked questions?
Does the card support all the country? Yes
How long validity? 1-5 Years
Does it work with any name & address? Yes for any Ebay account.
Can i use the card for other accounts? No (valid for only Ebay)
Can i withdraw money to this card? No, Valid for verification only.
Can i reload money? No this is not a reloadable card. get a reloadable card here.
Delivery Details!
Delivery is instant when you contact us via live chat before placing the order.
We accept Bitcoin and WebMoney for automatic checkout.
You can pay by Skrill, Neteller, perfect money for an extra charge.
Refund or Replacement Policy:
- Our VCC 100% work for Ebay verification.
- If you can proof our vcc not work then we replace new VCC.
- If replacement vcc not work then we will refund money.
- For ebay limit we can't help or refund not accept
For bulk order will get 10% discount